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Division of Graduate Studies

General Policy Statements


  • Student Participation in Institutional Governance
  • General Philosophy on Academic Records
  • Retention and Disposal of Student Records
  • Name and Address Change
  • Identification Cards
  • Campus Parking Decals

Student Participation in Institutional Governance

As constituents of the university community, students are free, individually and collectively, to express their own position on institutional policies and on matters of general interest and on matters of general interest to the student body. The Graduate Student Association (GSA) is the primary forum for graduate student representation and provides a channel for communication among graduate students at Jackson State University. The organization serves as a vehicle for students to participate in the formulation of university policies directly affecting them. Students may also participate in the decision-making process through active membership on ad hoc and standing committees as specified in the University’s policies on committee structure.

Contact the Division of Graduate Studies for membership information or additional information on the GSA, by phone (601) 979-2455 or by e-mail –

General Philosophy on Academic Records

Jackson State University maintains a permanent academic record for each student enrolled. The Permanent Academic Record contains those grades received from course work completed at Jackson State University along with any transfer of courses and credits from any other accredited institution of higher learning that is used by Jackson State University to complete degree requirements. All records are confidential. Academic records are considered property of the University. Opportunities are provided for students to inspect and control the release of information contained in their records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA) of 1974.

The purpose of FERPA is to afford certain rights to students concerning their educational records. The primary rights afforded are the right to inspect and review the educational records, the right to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of information from those records. The Act applies to all educational records maintained by JSU which are directly related to a student. Records containing a student’s name, social security number or other personally identifiable information are covered by FERPA.

Retention and Disposal of Student Records

The Office of the Registrar and Records maintains academic records for students previously and currently enrolled. Academic records are stored on the mainframe computer located in the Office of Information Technology with a systems backup conducted nightly. Academic records that are not retrievable through computer access are stored on microfilm as well as a CD-Rom document imaging system located in the Registrar’s Office. An additional copy of the microfilm, and the CD-Rom disks are maintained at an off-site location, with duplicate copies of microfiche being stored in a steel vault located in the Office of Information Management.

Once the information contained in an academic record has been electronically reproduced, the hard copy may be destroyed. However, the contents of those records can be reproduced at such time that the student request personal examination or disclosure of the academic record, forwarded to another institution of higher learning, a potential or present employer or any person or persons designated by the student. The student must make a written request to have the academic record released. The academic record is generated and printed on transcript security paper which prevents duplicating or printing an official copy outside of the Records Office.

Name and Address Change

A student who has had a change in name after his/her last registration must provide the University with the appropriate documentation which substantiates the legal name change. This must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar and Records prior to the student’s next registration. Registration under a name different from that used in the student’s last enrollment cannot be accomplished without the appropriate documentation, which becomes part of the student’s permanent file. All grade reports and transcripts are issued under the student’s legal name as recorded by the Office of the Registrar and Records.

A student who has had a change of address after his/her last registration must provide the University with the new address by completing the appropriate form. This form may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and Records. All grade reports and transcripts will be mailed to the location of the new address.

Identification Cards

Permanent identification (ID) cards are issued to all full-time and part-time graduate students upon enrollment. This card is the student’s official University Identification and must be in the student’s possession at all times. The ID card is not transferable and is validated each semester. It is the property of the University and must be surrendered upon request. It becomes void upon withdrawal and must be returned to the Campus Police. Loss of an ID card should be reported promptly to the ID Division, Department of Public Security, Jackson State University, so a new card may be issued. A fee is charged for a replacement card.

Campus Parking Decals

Contact Campus Security or (601) 979-2580 .

The University reserves the right to regulate the use of all vehicles on the campus and to forbid the use of a vehicle by a student, faculty/staff member, employee, or visitor whose conduct in any manner indicates he/she is not complying with the University regulations.

The University does not guarantee a parking space, except reserve parking. Registration of a vehicle and display of a decal does not guarantee a parking space, except reserve parking.

The University reserves the right to: (a) designate the exact area that any vehicle may be parked on campus, and (b) restrict the number of decals issued for any area.

Important Dates

Keep up-to-date with all important dates for the current semester at Jackson State University. If you have any questions about the information listed, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you further.

Division of Graduate Studies


Division of Graduate Studies
1400 John R. Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39217-0280

Division of Graduate Studies
Jackson State University
P.O. Box 17095
Jackson, MS  39217

Phone: 601.979.2455